The company has a digital and analog Electronic Well Logger of 600 m capacity indigeneously developed by Uptron and is mounted in a Vehicles. Highly experienced hydrogeologist of the company operates the logger, prepares the recommendation for design of wells. The logs are utilized for strata identification, assessment interstitial quality of formation water and designing well assembly. The parameters recorded are formation Resistivity (point resistance,16” short normal , 64” long normal, lateral, Self Potential. Drilling Fluid Conductivity. These are used for precise demarcation of aquifers (water bearing zones) encountered in the boreholes, establish aquifer geometry and find out water quality. A preliminary idea of the aquifer parameters is also made with the help of these logs. The logs are interpreted manually at the drilling sites and also with the help of advanced computer software packages in the office. The company has logged more than 15000 boreholes in different states.
The company also has provision of Gamma borehole logging. The logging helps in demarcation of mixed zones & clear horizons of Sand-Boulder. The benefit of Gamma logging is that it can be conducted in cased as well as uncased boreholes & also in case of borehole drilled by percussion rig in which 3-4 casings of M.S. pipes are used.
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